Jobs with no experience

Would you like to become an (IT/mechanical, electrical, factory) engineer with no experience?
You can increase your annual salary as an engineer in the future!

We can introduce you to jobs with no experience and help you change jobs for those who want to change their career to an engineering position.
Please let us know if you are interested in a career change to an engineering position.

How to apply
You can apply for a job by one of the following methods

① Apply from a job below
② Apply through DM on Tiktok
③ Apply through DM on Linkedin

Software Engineer/アプリ開発

IT Infrastructure Engineer/インフラエンジニア

Mechanical Design Engineer/機械設計

Electrical Design Engineer/電気設計

Control Software Design Engineer/制御エンジニア

Automotive Testing and Certification/自動車関連の実験

Machine Engineering/空港作業員
